Friday, December 29, 2006

Christmas past.

It was great getting support from friends and family with Michael. I still have faith he will come around.

I worked over Christmas. It was fairly busy, but not too bad. Have been in Iowa seeing my Mom. My syster, and her family also came down. It's hard to believe how fast the kids are all growing. I suffered through another year of combined birthday and Christmas presents. I wonder if people born in June know how good they have it.

Michael had a good time, but has an understanding of how Santa, grades, attitude, and coal are all related........

Well back to the real world again. I'm starting nursing school this month. I decided that there will come a time when I don't want to be jumping in and out of helicopters, so why not get this done. I've only put it off 20 years or so. I really am looking forward to it, all except the part of wearing a dress and a cap.

Take Care, and sail fair.


Thursday, December 14, 2006

Old 2006 Posts

December 13th, 2006

sailing would be better
One of the things I like about sailing is how predictably unpredictable it is. Yoou figure out that when this happens the boats does that. Occasionaly something happens that is completely unexpected.
My son is 15 years old, and failing in 3 classes in school. He has low self-esteem, and everyday seems to be a bigger struggle. I have a hard time getting through to him. He has never really done well in school, and this semester is tops of nots. He had issues with water, and he really shined in crewing for me with sailing. It's just frustrating, and every winter seems to get a bit harder to take.
Last night I was reading a blog written by a woman who's husband was killed in an EMS helicopter crash. She has 8 children, and has been living with the massive changes in her life. I was so amazed at her courage, and can only imagine how tough it must be. Makes me feel a bit small for not being able to get things together with Michael.
I sometimes wonder about the job. I have the best job in the world, but at times it almost seems a bit routine. Knowing that you "could be next" on any shift make you wonder why we do the job. I guess, for me, it's doing what I'm meant to do. There is something that just clicks in your mind that says "This is where I'm meant to be." Being able to care for the patients we do is both an honor and a challenge. Knowing that you made a difference in another's life is a feeling like nonw other.
I know in my heart things will work out for my son, but tonight was just a bad night.

Entry for October 19, 2006

I was elected the Vice Commador of the Lake DuBay Sailing Association. I'm pretty excited about that, and hope I can do a good job. Everyone is pretty laid back in this group, and there is always a lot of support.
I set up a Yahoo discussion group page for the Association. I hope it takes off like the National Buccaneer Group. I like these pages better than e-mail as it lets you get an idea what other people think. A lot of times with just e-mail it's hard to know how people respond to an issue. Oh well we shall see.
The weather has been crummy. I was kind of hoping for some sort of Indian summer. Starting to wonder if the wet leaves in the yard are going to remain for the winter.

Thursday October 19, 2006 - 10:38am (CDT)
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Entry for October 17, 2006

I wasn't sure if I was sad or happy to find the Donaldson's old Buccaneer. At one time she was one of the best rigged Buccaneer's around. After she was sold, she sat at Lake MacBride for many years, and sailed few of the last. Somehow she ended up being donated to the University of Illinois sailing club. The crew that sailed her at BNAC 2006 were great. They really did a good job of keeping up the old girl.
They changed the name of the boat, and have dressed her in pirates garb. It was funny to see the once high class Cavale renamed..."The Gout" (although at her age she had the right to have the Gout) At least she is sailing again.
I still wonder what happened to our old Buccaneer. Her sail number was # 882, but Mom said she might have been sold with a set from Cavale which was # 704. It would be fun to find our old boat once again, I'm a bit of a romantic for things on the past.
Well it hard to believe the sailing season is pretty much over. It has been a great year, as evidenced by the lack of blogging.
The Buccaneer North American Races in Waukegan were incredible. Sailing on Lake michigan is quite a bit different than sailing on inland waters. It is safe to say that there was not a day were lack of wind was an issue. I guess what impressed me most about racing there was the people. They are a fine class. I saw and learned so much, that it was almost impossible to soak it all in. It was worth it to get back into this sailing class again.
At the end of August we had the 25th annual Lake DuBay Govenor' s Cup. The first day of sailing was great, but the wind never came up the second day, and we called it a wash. It's the first time in many years that we have had 3 Buccaneer's on the Lake, and I'm going to push for a fleet next year.
Well the first snow has fallen, and J.A.M. is put away safely for the year. I'm going to have to decide what to blog about. Too many words on politics, so I'll have to find something else.
Good Sailing
Tuesday October 17, 2006 - 07:55pm (CDT)
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Entry for June 17, 2006
It was a very windy day today. Strong SW winds with gusts that came off about 20 degrees from the base winds. First race went OK except for being at the wrong place for the start. (Probably the thing I need to work the most on now) Second race the winds had really come up. Sunfish and a Force 5 went over. The Force 5 turtled, but the guy did a great job righting it, and getting back in the game. At the finish line it was my turn. I had just crossed the finish line, and was turning downwind to get off the course. Wind swirched as we got hit by a white cap. Over we went. I was climbing up the high side to get on the centerboard when I saw that my crew had cleated the winward jib sheet as we were going over. The wind swtched again and back filled the jib and the boat self righted......launching me from the high side into the lake. Good recovery all in all, but man it was wild there. Downwind leg back to the dock as the 3rd race was canceled. Even with the boat full of water she still kicked up into a plane. Bailers got some out, and the trailer got the rest. It was just too much to handle with a light crew.

Next Tuesday is the nest race. Hopefully Mother nature is more forgiving.
Fair Winds, Dave

Entry for June 15, 2006

Well the first race of the season was delayed due to a thunderstorm. Finally had it on June 13th. It was a good night with calm winds for the first 2 races. I broke the extension on the tiller, and will need to find a way to nurse that through. The calm winds were a bit boring especially during the downwind legs. I really had a hard time getting the boat into the right position for starting. The third race went much better. I was able to be right at the line for a good start. About halfway into the race, the wind picked up and changed directions almost 180 degrees. Made the downwind leg an upwind leg, and I was able to point high enough into it to not have to tack before the turn. Ended up crossing the finish line first, or 3rd with the postsmith. It was fun, and I'm looking forward to Saturdays event.
Life here is good, the weather is wonderful. Trying to get things together around the house, and might try and sneak a sail in the morning. Michael is still having a tough time with Murphy's loss. I thin it reminds him a lot of his Grandfather's passing.
Far Winds, Dave

2005 Posts

Feb 3rd, 2005
Seems as though Ground Hog Day is early this year. We have had a very mild Wisconsin winter thus far. Makes me wonder what mother nature is up to. Hopefully winter doesn't decide to come in March. Not much new up here. Trying to fight off cabin fever with some early spring cleaning in the basement. Things look pretty ship shape, and I got the tiller apart for a rebuild. Also looking at how to convert to the wire luff jib on the North Sails. Looks like a couple of ways to do it, just not sure which is going to best. I don't want to leave the jib up while storing on DuBay. Well it's 39 and sunny out, I think I'll try and catch a few more rays.

March 18th, 2005
Well spring is I am becoming impatient with the weather. Last week we got rid og the snow, temps in the 50s, and hope. Now...back into winter. I guess the older I get the harder the winters are especially at work.

I'm getting motivated for the sailing season. I have secured the barn of a firend, and plan on geting the long list of updates done before the weather gets too nice. Boats can head out to
DuBay in April.

Other than that life is good. Work is busy, but I guess that means job security. I need to get my web page updated, seems that there is never enough time.

Good Day

April 7th, 2005
Well yesterday was great weatherwise. I got most of the yard projects done, and have a mountain of dog poop for the trash.

Today is blustery and cold, feels like winter is taking one last shot at us. I have the boat stored in a large garage, and plan on going over today and getting started on the centerboard cap. It needs to come off so I can see how bad things are underneath. Everything is original Chrysler, so I will be curious to see how much wood rot there is, and how the mainsheet cleat looks.

Also going to call Nickels and see when the spiniker snout is going to be sent. I plan on just renforcing the bow via the hole even though the spinniker will have to wait until next year.

Almost sailing time!!!

Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand on me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people's hats off-then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can. This is my substitute for pistol and ball."

April 8th, 2005
Spring projects
Well yesterday was great weatherwise. I got most of the yard projects done, and have a mountain of dog poop for the trash.

Today is blustery and cold, feels like winter is taking one last shot at us. I have the boat stored in a large garage, and plan on going over today and getting started on the centerboard cap. It needs to come off so I can see how bad things are underneath. Everything is original Chrysler, so I will be curious to see how much wood rot there is, and how the mainsheet cleat looks.

Also going to call Nickels and see when the spiniker snout is going to be sent. I plan on just renforcing the bow via the hole even though the spinniker will have to wait until next year.

Almost sailing time!!!

April 7th, well got the ceterboard trunk off, supporting wood looks good.

April 22nd, 2005
Already the Spring is going so fast, and lots to do on the boat. I finally got most of the yard projects done, and am looking forward to getting back at the boat. Less than a month until
Syttende Mai Regatta, and I'm wondering if there will be time and weather to get out, and going. The mast is cut, and ready for the reaised mast step. Centerboard hangers are done, and getting to reinstall them with the cap. Just the bow to go, and I think that shall have to do for the season.

My son is getting a bit more motivated to get on the water with me this year. I'm hoping he will be willing to crew. Jim is out as he is having surgery on his arm again in June.

Somehow this will all come together.